Coaching Services

“I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities.”

Bob Nardelli.

A Gift of Better Conversation - Invest in Yourself and reach your maximum capabilities.

Over the past few years I have had the privilege of delivering over 400 hours of 1-1 coaching sessions. Some face to face, some online, some close to home and some on the other side of the globe and whilst the topic of conversation varied greatly there were a number of positive outcomes common to them all:

* Through the absence of interruptions came much needed time to pause and reflect.

* Through deep listening and impactful feedback came genuine clarity of thinking.

* Through the invitation to think freely in a safe space, came new ideas and perspectives.

* Through a focus on what's going well came renewed confidence and increased motivation.

* Through a commitment to the coaching process came accountability and most importantly - impact.

Regardless of your profession or occupation, coaching provides the opportunity to have a conversation that matters. It's time to invest in yourself, it's time for a better conversation.

The difference between training and coaching

As a professional you will know all too well the importance of training and I’m sure you have likely been on your fair share of training courses over the years.

However, have you ever considered the impact a coach might have on your professional development?

Listen in to Tom Ferry in this video as he does an excellent job of explaining the difference between training and coaching.

One to One Coaching

Over the past few years I have had the privilege of coaching individuals as private clients from around the world. Each one has approached me for a series of one to one coaching sessions for a wide variety of reasons. Across my sessions I provide each client with the opportunity to ‘clarify their thinking, develop their actions and achieve their goals’ one conversation at a time . For clients living locally (N.Ireland) these session can be arranged face to face and for those further afield I use zoom to connect across the bigger distances. To arrange a ‘no obligation’ initial phone/zoom call email me at

Leadership Coaching Programme

Currently, we have a coaching package for schools or organisations wanting to provide 1-1 coaching for their team members in leadership positions. If your school/organisation has a minimum of 3/4 leaders we can provide a package to include a monthly coaching session for each leader over an agreed period, such as a school term or longer. A schedule can be agreed so that a day’s visit to your school/organisation will provide time for up to four separate coaching sessions. An initial overview session will be provided as well as a review session on completion. For more details please email us at

Check out this clip below from Blue Point Leadership to see the impact that powerful

coaching conversations can have on the leaders within your organisation.