SENCo Group Coaching

What’s it all about?

With the recent success of our Principal Group Coaching programme we have developed a similar programme dedicated to school staff in the role of SENCo. As a former Principal I am acutely aware of the ever changing landscape of this vital role within schools. Over recent years there have been significant legislative changes and an increase in SEN training. As the responsibility levels rise and pupils’ specific needs become ever more complex, the role of a SENCo has never been more demanding.

Whilst the group coaching sessions will not be a specific ‘SEN training’ opportunity they will provide SENCos with much needed time to be encouraged, be inspired and be stretched in a safe and supportive environment by colleagues in a similar role.

Throughout each group coaching session there will be opportunities to discuss and consider the challenges and opportunities faced in the role of SENCo giving participants the motivation and drive to return to school refreshed, renewed and determined to create positive impact on the children and families in their care. SENCos need opportunities such as these to help them be the best possible version of themselves in order to drive forward the SEN work within their school.

Aims of SENCO Group Coaching

  • Be Encouraged

    In the first morning session you will have the opportunity to share success stories where you have had a positive impact on pupils, staff or parents in an SEN related issue in your school. It is vital that you, as SENCo, have the opportunity to acknowledge ‘what’s going well’ and recognise your contribution to that.

  • Be Inspired

    In the mid-morning session you will have the opportunity in smaller groups to share a current challenge that you face as SENCo and the ‘group’ members will share ideas and possibilities from their experiences that will help you work towards possible actions you can take to move your issue forward.

  • Be Stretched

    In the afternoon session either in pairs or in triplets you will have the opportunity to ‘peer coach’ a fellow SENCo on a topic of professional development. The aim of this activity is to help you stretch a fellow SENCo to develop their skills back in school.

The activities throughout the day will be underpinned by an agreement that every conversation is held within the strictest of confidence.

No details relating to specific pupils, staff, parents etc will be shared at any point in the day.

What the participants have said:

  • "Excellent day, a great opportunity to meet and discuss topics and issues with other SENCos and actually feel we are not flying solo. Time and space to talk and feel listened to and also to find a way forward despite the educational landscape at present."

    Michelle Reid SENCo St Paul’s PS Belfast

  • "Very useful to have time to reflect with fellow colleagues, and gain fresh insight to help with challenges we face in the difficult world of Sen provision."

    Richard Falls SENCo Finaghy PS

  • "Lovely to meet people in similar situations. It was a good opportunity to reflect on my current practice and seek advice from others. Peer coaching was insightful. Lovely day and venue. Thanks."

    Brenda Doran SENCo St Kieran’s PS

  • "A very worthwhile day. It was extremely helpful to have time set aside to meet with other SENCos to share and discuss challenges, thoughts and experiences and be encouraged and inspired in our role. Thank you!"

    Debbie Davidson SENCo Pond Park PS

SENCo Group Coaching Day

Friday 20th September 2024

Dunadry Hotel Antrim

9:30am to 3:30pm

Cost: £99 per person to include refreshments and lunch

Payment can be made via standard EA Purchase Order or by cheque or electronic transfer

Numbers will be capped at approx 15 participants

Register your place by completing the MS Form via the button below: